Energy - things we can do Published: 10 Dec 2021 Complain, hassle, lobby! Tell decision makers you want less energy wastage, more focus on energy efficiency and renewable energy and an end to fossil fuels. Switch to a green energy tariff Renewable energy could supply four-fifths of the world’s electricity by 2050. Save energy at home Around 22% of the UK's planet-warming gases come from our homes. Heating and hot water account for around 80% of household energy consumption. Use LEDs Switching to light emitting diode (LED) lights is one of the easiest things we can all do. Get a smart meter Smart meters are the next generation of electricity and gas meters. Install solar panels Solar panels capture the sun's energy and convert it into electricity that you can use in your home. Avoid wood burning stoves Wood burning stoves are a major source of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) air pollution. Move away from gas central heating 15% of the UK's planet-warming gases come from heating our homes. Invest in community energy Community energy schemes can increasingly pay back good returns on investments with Egni Co-op for instance offering projected interest at around 4% per year and capital to be repaid over 20 years. Get supermarkets to put doors on their fridges Supermarket fridges use around 1% of the UK’s entire electricity output! Watch this video Watch a video about this amazing new type of solar panel! Energy From switching to a renewable energy tariff to using LEDs, there are many things we can do to save energy and reduce our consumption of fossil fuels. Amdani! Click on each of the different areas to find out what actions can you take to make your life and community more climate-friendly.
Complain, hassle, lobby! Tell decision makers you want less energy wastage, more focus on energy efficiency and renewable energy and an end to fossil fuels.
Switch to a green energy tariff Renewable energy could supply four-fifths of the world’s electricity by 2050.
Save energy at home Around 22% of the UK's planet-warming gases come from our homes. Heating and hot water account for around 80% of household energy consumption.
Install solar panels Solar panels capture the sun's energy and convert it into electricity that you can use in your home.
Avoid wood burning stoves Wood burning stoves are a major source of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) air pollution.
Invest in community energy Community energy schemes can increasingly pay back good returns on investments with Egni Co-op for instance offering projected interest at around 4% per year and capital to be repaid over 20 years.
Get supermarkets to put doors on their fridges Supermarket fridges use around 1% of the UK’s entire electricity output!
Energy From switching to a renewable energy tariff to using LEDs, there are many things we can do to save energy and reduce our consumption of fossil fuels.
Amdani! Click on each of the different areas to find out what actions can you take to make your life and community more climate-friendly.