Get a smart meter

Published: 18 Nov 2021

Smart meters are the next generation of electricity and gas meters.

Picture of a smart meter


Smart meters are the next generation of electricity and gas meters. They measure how much electricity and gas you are using, how much they are costing you and display these on a handy in-home display. They cut out the need for estimated bills and should help us use energy more efficiently and reduce our climate emissions. 

Smart meters are being rolled out by energy companies across the UK, work on pre pay and credit systems and are free. 

Estimates suggest that households can save between £50-100 on energy bills by reducing energy usage at home. 

Smart Energy GB estimates that if everyone in the UK installed a smart meter, we could make the equivalent annual CO2 savings of 70million trees.  

In Wales, National Energy Action (NEA) Cymru is helping roll out the Smart Energy GB in Communities programme.   

Smart thermostats are a new type of heating control, giving you much greater control over your heating, from wherever you are via a mobile app. They can help manage heating more efficiently and save money on energy bills.   

Project Drawdown estimates that (worldwide): 

‘… 1,453 million households could have installed a smart thermostat by 2050. The climate and financial impacts for this accelerated adoption of smart thermostats are significant: 7.0 gigatons of carbon dioxide-equivalent greenhouse gas emissions avoided. The marginal capital cost of this would be US$155 billion, but it would save US$1.8 trillion in lifetime operating costs due to reduced energy consumption for space heating and cooling.’ 


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