Tell Carmarthenshire council - don't extend Glan Lash mine
Published: 15 Jul 2023

Carmarthenshire County Council will soon decide whether to extend the permission to mine coal at the Glan Lash open cast site. New coal extraction must be stopped.
We are in an ecological and climate emergency. If approved, up to 95,000 tonnes more coal could be extracted from the mine and burned, releasing unacceptable levels of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Extending the mine also threatens the delicate ecology and precious wildlife of the surrounding area, especially the Caeau Mynydd Mawr Special Area of Conservation. We must keep fossil fuels in the ground where they belong. And focus on cleaner greener energy and creating sustainable green jobs in Carmarthenshire instead.
This is the last chance to have our say.
Using our form, contact the planning department and ask Carmarthenshire Council rejects this application before its too late.