The Big Climate Plan  - campaign pack

The UK government needs to produce a new climate plan next year. Find out more about what we’re calling for and how you can get involved.
Aber sea front
Aberystwyth seafront


We’re dangerously off track to meet our climate targets. But we’ve got the chance to turn things around. The UK government needs to produce a new climate plan next year. We need to ensure it’s a fair climate plan that benefits us all. Find out more about what we’re calling for and how you can get involved.

Although many areas for delivering on the UK climate plan are devolved to the Welsh Government and Senedd in Wales, and Wales has its own climate legislation and plan, further support, funding and action is needed on a UK level in order to deliver on the ambition needed.   

MPs have a role in influencing the wider picture which impacts climate justice in Wales, therefore the UK asks are included here in full, with those which are primarily devolved in italics.

We urgently need the new climate plan to meet our vital climate targets and benefits our lives. We want to see lower energy bills, warm homes, clean air, better public transport and well-paid green jobs. How do we get there? Making sure those in power know what we want. By talking to MPs about the climate plan, we can ask them to champion it and put pressure on key decision makers to deliver a new plan that is bold and has fairness at its core. 


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