Email your MP about the Climate Plan

Published: 19 Sep 2024

Personalise your letter with issues affecting your communities.



Download a template email


Note for Local Action Groups in Wales, government in the context of this campaign refers to the UK Government in Westminster.

If you wish to personalise this letter with issues that are affecting your communities, these are some relevant powers which are retained in Westminster and not devolved to the Senedd;

  • Foreign affairs and relations with the EU; (our international targets on climate change, solidarity with Palestine and our colleagues at our sister organisation in Palestine, PENGON)
  • Defence; (solidarity with Palestine and our colleagues at our sister organisation in Palestine, PENGON)
  • Currency, financial markets, monetary policy and banking; (funding provided to Senedd and Welsh Government)
  • Supply of electricity; (clean and cheap energy)
  • Oil and gas; (fossil fuel free Wales)
  • Nuclear energy; (Nuclear free Wales)
  • Employment and industrial relations; (green jobs)


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