Common Grounds Day of Action - event guide

Published: 19 Sep 2024

Find out more about The Common Grounds Day of Action on October 12 2024 and how you can get involved.

We’re taking part in The Climate Coalition’s Common Grounds Day of Action on October 12 2024 to demand a fairer future. Find out more about the day and how you can get involved.

Note for Welsh Local Action Groups – in the context of this campaign ‘government’ refers to the UK Government in Westminster.  

On Saturday 12 October, thousands of people from across the UK will meet with their MP(s) as part of The Climate Coalition’s Common Grounds Day of Action. Together, we’ll show our elected officials in Westminster that people from all walks of life want to see strong climate action for a fairer future.  

Let’s use this opportunity to advocate for an ambitious and fair climate plan that slashes emissions and benefits people. 

Get involved and be part of a united movement for people, climate and nature.  

How can your group get involved?

Before the Day of Action  

  • Prepare for your MP meeting  

  • Order campaign posters 


Invite your MP to meet with your group 

Send an invitation to your MP (or multiple MPs if your group spans more than one constituency) as early as possible and ask them to meet with your group on 12 October. You can use our template invite.   

If your MP isn’t available on 12 October, you can meet with them in the week leading up to and following the Day of Action.  

Prepare for your MP meeting 

  • Read through our guide to meeting your MP. 

  • Join our webinar all about the day of action and how to talk to your MP about the 2030 plan. 

  • Reach out to us or your local staff contact if you need any support. 


Order resources

Taking along posters to your MP meeting can help create an eye-catching photo. It also gives you something to ask MPs to hold to show their support for the campaign.  Make sure to order resources well in advance, with plenty of time for delivery. You can pre-order posters now.  


On the Day of Action 

  • Meet your MP(s)  

  • Organise a photo stunt if they aren't able to meet 

  • Take photos 

  • Use social media  

  • Engage local media  


Meet your MP(s) 

We need as many MPs as possible to advocate in parliament for a fair and ambitious climate plan.   

Use our guide to convince your MP to take action in support of a bold climate plan and commit to writing to Keir Starmer.   


Organise a photo stunt  

Don’t be disheartened if your MP doesn’t respond. Even by just inviting them to meet, you’ll have put our campaign demands on their radar.  You can still take part in the day of action by organising a photo stunt outside the MP office with banners and campaign posters, in order to show our communities are united and support a bold and ambitious climate plan. You can follow up with them after the 12 October to let them know what your group organised, share photos and the MP briefing with them.  

You can also use our template press release to engage the local media. This will raise local awareness and help get your MPs attention for future conversations. 


Take photos 

Whether you’re meeting with your MP or organising a stunt outside – make sure to take some photos.  

Top tips for taking a great photo:  

  • Include posters and banners to make the photo eye catching and easy to identify with the climate plan campaign.  

  • Ask for a photo of the MP holding a placard or poster.  

  • Take landscape photos (these are better for social media) 

  • Read our guide on taking good photos for more detailed information.  

  • Make sure you have consent from those in the photo – read guidelines for this here.  

Share your photos with us (and consent ) so we can add them to our national gallery, showing the depth and breadth of support around the UK.  


Social media  

Use social media to raise awareness and add to the calls from people all around the UK on this day of action.  Remember to share your photos, tagging your MP and @friends_earth and @foecymrucydd. You can also use the hashtag #CommonGrounds. 

Here’s a template social post you can share after your MP meeting:  

Template: Just met with [@MPName] to discuss the urgent need for a fair & ambitious  UK climate plan! Let's take action for people, climate, and nature.  @friends_earth @foecymrucydd [Add Photo] 

Engage your email list in this day of action by asking them to share a template social post and tag your MP too.  

Template: "[@MPName], our community is calling for a fair & ambitious UK climate plan! Will you stand with us for people, climate, and nature?  @friends_earth @foecymrucydd 

See our social media guide for more top tips. 


Engaging local media  

Use our press release template to contact your local media after the action and include photos for them to publish. Depending on if you’ve met with your MP or not, we’ve created options you can tailor to fit.  

  • Press release template if you’ve met with your MP. 

  • Press release template if you haven’t met with your MP or they’ve negatively responded to your ask.  

Top tips for engaging the local media: 

  • Adapt our template press release so it feels relevant and personal to your local community.  

  • Ask your MP for a quote to include in your press release.  

  • Send your press release out after the 12 October alongside photos from the day of action.  


After the Day of Action 

  • Send us photos you took so we can include them in our central gallery. Make sure to send across consent to use the photos too!   

  • Follow up with your MP after the action to summarise what you talked about and next steps. Take a look at this guide for more information.  

  • Use the opportunity to grow your group. Let your mailing list know how your MP action went and share photos from the day.  

  • Save the date of our next webinar on 30 October to share how it went and hear the next steps for this campaign.  

If you’re have any questions, please get in touch with your regional staff contact or email [email protected] 

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