Reduce food waste

Published: 25 Nov 2021

Wasting food is bad for the environment - including the climate. 
A box full of recovered vegetables and fruits dug out of the waste of a hypermarket
Creative Commons Zero - A box full of recovered vegetables and fruits dug out of the waste of a hypermarket


We waste about a third of all food  produced for human consumption. 

This wasted food has taken loads of fresh water, land and labour to produce.

If it were a country, food waste would be the third highest emitter of greenhouse gases [PDF]  in the world. 

Thankfully, food waste collection has improved in recent years in Wales but there is still a lot of room for improvement and we all need to play our part.  

Have a look at Friends of the Earth’s tips for tackling food waste as a good place to start. 

Love Food Hate Waste have lots of great ideas and information! 

Check out some of the Apps which can help you reduce food waste. 

For more handy tips and ideas on what to do on food related issues, visit our Food section.


Things we can do

Zero waste



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