Go to a repair cafe
Published: 25 Nov 2021

The modern throwaway culture, as we all know, has terrible consequences from material and resource use and the associated problems of climate emissions and disposal of items.
For example, a study by North London Waste Authority suggests we in the UK bin nearly ‘22 million small pieces of furniture, more than 11,000 bicycles and over 28 million toys’ a year.
‘Repair Cafés’ had their origin in Amsterdam in 2009 when keen environmentalist Martine Postma started the first one which proved to be a roaring success which has kick started a worldwide movement.
Here, Repair Cafe Wales has been starting, running and supporting repair cafés since April 2017. They are a great way to bring communities together, save people money and reduce waste.
If you have something that needs fixing or even if you’d like to donate your time and skills then do see if you have one in your area.
See inside a repair cafe...