Buy ethically
Published: 15 Dec 2021

There are a variety of ways we can all do our bit by changing some of our shopping habits.
Cocoa for example is a major cause of deforestation and is thought to have ‘destroyed an area of forest the size of Belgium between 1988 and 2008.’
How about joining an organic box scheme,
Buying more local produce, more sustainable products and Fairtrade products where you can?
Growing Soybeans comes at a huge environmental cost and 75% of it grown for animal feed. Most comes from locations with a high deforestation risk and vulnerable ecosystems such as the Cerrado in South America. Have a look at this great WWF report and ideas for further actions.
Consider supporting your local dairies and reducing plastic milk bottle waste by having your milk delivered. Find your nearest delivery here.
Check out our zero waste section.
Buying organic food can help reduce the global decline in insects and also reduce the use of harmful chemicals. Support local organic schemes and businesses and do think about eating ‘seasonally’ .
Intensive almond production can cause a variety of problems from large monoculture plantations, heavy pesticide use and needing the industrial scale of movement of colonies of bees into the areas to help pollination. Try to buy organic bee friendly almonds.