Fashion - what we're calling for
Published: 16 Nov 2021

There are different initiatives in the UK, with the UK Parliament’s Environmental Audit Committee conducting quite a comprehensive ‘Sustainability of the fashion industry inquiry’ in 2018. They have since, revisited this report given the continuing concerns over the industry’s impact.
At a UK level, the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) have come up with a ‘Sustainable Clothing Action Plan‘
Welsh solution needed
Whilst there are an awful lot of ideas we can take from both of these, we believe that we should be seeking a specifically Welsh solution to this issue. One that helps build on our good recycling record in Wales, helps support and create jobs in Wales and keeps more money and resources circulating in the Welsh economy. Many groups and organisations across Wales have been, and are, working positively to address different aspects of textile and fashion use, re-use, recycling and reduction. What we lack is a truly joined up approach combining ideas and work across these different sectors and a specific action plan to help us as a nation move forwards, address some of the negatives around fast fashion and textile use and provide a blueprint for the future which will not only help our planet but also help provide jobs in communities around Wales and save families money.
School uniform swap scheme
The Children’s Commissioner for Wales and her staff for example have been working with schools and communities on a school uniform swap scheme to help save people money and help reduce the environmental impact of uniforms. This potentially is a scheme that could be supported in all schools across Wales.
Ban unsold clothes from going to landill
Maybe we could take inspiration from other schemes around the world or follow France’s lead and ban unsold clothes from being destroyed or sent to landfill? Or how about we explore the opportunities that might exist for small sustainable fashion businesses, charity shops and other eco-friendly shops to be at the heart of town centre regeneration?
Action plan for Wales
We would therefore like to see the Welsh Government work with Sustainable Clothing and Textiles Cymru and its member groups, as well as other key stakeholders in Wales, to develop a plan for what we can do in Wales across different sectors to make fashion circular and to put Wales on a path to becoming a sustainable fashion and textile country.
The National Federation of Women’s Institutes ‘In a Spin’ report makes a series of recommendations as did the (as it was then) National Assembly for Wales Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee in their June 2019 ‘Report on policies and proposals relating to plastic pollution and packaging waste’.
Our recommendations
We would also like to see the clothing and textile industry be covered by any new Extended Producer Responsibility regulations brought in in Wales to cover things like plastics.
We recommend that the Welsh Government reviews up to date evidence and information and formulates a Wales specific plan to reduce plastic microfibre pollution given areas of Welsh legislative competence.