Avoid junk mail

Published: 15 Nov 2021

An estimated 17.5 billion pieces of junk mail are distributed to UK households and businesses annually but there are a few easy things we can all do to reduce this amount.

Picture of a front door with junk mail pushed halfway through the letter box


In the great scheme of things, maybe not something that’s top of most people’s thinking when deciding how to reduce our carbon footprints. It does however have quite an impact and is, surely, one of the easier things we can all do immediately to reduce the amount of trees being cut down unnecessarily.  

An estimated 17.5 billion pieces of junk mail are distributed to UK households and businesses annually. That means millions of trees are being cut down for something that typically doesn’t get read and ends up in the recycling bin almost immediately!  

There are however a few easy things we can all do to reduce this amount.  

The Royal Mail has a sign up service you can register with to stop unaddressed Door to Door mail being delivered to your door.  

The Citizen’s Advice Bureau has lots of other ideas and links to help you reduce unwanted mail. WRAP UK and Which? have more information and handy hints. 


Things we can do



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