Get tough on waste

Published: 12 Nov 2021

Business Wales has a handy guide for setting up a business recycling scheme. 


Recycling bins in Aberystwyth, Wales (Callum Hutchinson, Creative Commons)
Recycling bins in Aberystwyth, Wales (Callum Hutchinson, Creative Commons) 

WRAP have a Your Workplace Without Waste scheme with plenty of great ideas and resources including training aids. 

Printer cartridges can be refilled or recycled easily nowadays. Do all the businesses in your areas do this? Could you talk to them about it? 

How about doing an audit of what type of materials and products are used in your office or business and identify if they are needed and if better more eco friendly products are now available that could be switched to in future. There are a variety of online and high street retailers who stock products ranging from staple free staplers to recycled packaging. 

Rather than chucking out old office furniture, are there any charities/upcycling schemes/reuse schemes in your local areas that might take them? If you can’t find any local schemes then contact Wales Recycles

Computers for Charities and Computer Aid are examples of a number of places who will gladly take any old computers from your offices.  

And obviously …. no single use cups in the office! 

Things businesses can do

Green office


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