Encourage greener forms of transport

Published: 12 Nov 2021

Businesses can encourage employers to use greener forms of transport

People cycling on a main road



How do people get to a place of work? How much CO2 is emitted on the journey? If you think knowing this might help encourage people and businesses to seek more positive solutions then check out this nice mapping tool.   

Is the business set up for people who wish to use non car ways to travel? Does it have secure dry bike storage facilities for example? Could they? Would a central facility like that make sense for many smaller SMEs in one area?  

Check out what Sustrans advise for changing how people get to work. Setting up a Workplace Travel Challenge is a good idea. 

Cyclescheme is an employee benefit that saves you money bikes and accessories. You pay nothing upfront and the payments are taken tax efficiently from your salary by your employer. E bikes are also included! Would you be able to charge up an E bike at your place of work? 

Cycling Weekly has some good tips for cycling to work. 

Traveline Cymru is a very handy place to plan your public transport journeys. 

Could your workplace set up a car pool or car share scheme?  

Our world has of course changed dramatically as a result of Covid and many more organisations and companies are supporting the shift to more permanent homeworking. This can of course lead to emissions reductions. The Welsh Government is encouraging an increase in remote working and has set a long-term ambition for 30% of the Welsh workforce to work away from a traditional office. Does your area have a flexible co-working hub? Could it? Would this be a part of your vision for what your area would look like by 2030?  

If your business has a company vehicle of some sort, can you switch to an electric plug in version when you come to renew it/them. The Office of Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) is the best place to start to find out what sort of advice, assistance and grants are available. 

The UK Government also have a variety of other useful tips, guides and links here.

Things businesses can do

Green office


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