Give up your car or use it less

Published: 22 Nov 2021

We know that around 12% of EU CO2 emissions come from cars and that it costs around £3,500 per year on average to run a car, that’s a lot! 

Picture of exhaust pipe with fumes coming out


For some of us, especially in more rural areas where realistic alternative transport options aren’t, well, realistic (!), having a car is probably a no brainer. There are however some surprising stats that 4 out of 10 short car journeys are under 2 miles which means that we could probably quite happily all reduce our car use.  

The UKs Science and Technology Select Committee have advocated a wide range of transport solutions, including that we reduce our personal car ownership. 

A study in 2017 showed that going car free was the second most effective action an individual can take on climate chaos (behind not having any children).   

Is it something you might be able to do? 

In the meantime, even turning your car engine off when waiting somewhere can also help. 


Things we can do



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