Effective ban on fracking in Wales
Published: 10 Dec 2018

The Welsh Government will not issue or support new petroleum licences, it has just been announced (10 December 2018).
This new policy, together with the new edition of the Planning Policy Wales (PPW), published last week, means that an effective ban on fracking in Wales is now in place.
Earlier today, The WG released a statement in response to the recent consultation on Petroleum Extraction policy in Wales, confirming that they will adopt their proposed policy to
“Not undertake any new petroleum licensing in Wales, or support applications for hydraulic fracturing petroleum licence consents.”
Friends of the Earth Cymru and Frack-Free Wales are delighted to see a commitment by the Welsh Government to prevent a new fossil fuel industry in Wales after many years of campaigning against it.
Bleddyn Lake, Campaigns and Development Manager for Friends of the Earth Cymru
‘This ban is great news for Wales, great news for the communities who are campaigning tirelessly against fracking, and great news for our planet.
‘The time to act on climate change is now. Along with new planning policy announced last week, this news is another positive sign that the Welsh Government is taking the threat of climate change seriously. Thanks to everyone who supported our campaign to ban fracking in Wales. It’s fantastic to see our nation taking another step forward in the right direction, leading the way towards a more sustainable future.’
Donal Whelan from Frack-Free Wales
‘We welcome today's policy announcement, particularly the acknowledgment of people's very real concerns about fracking. The drillers have been sent firmly packing from Wales, and campaigners across the country can rightly celebrate this policy as a victory.
‘We'll continue campaigning to strengthen further the legislation against fracking and ensure a fossil-free future for Wales.’
New energy powers were devolved to Wales in October 2018 (through the Wales Act 2017), giving the Welsh Government the right to make decisions over energy issues, including fracking. Friends of the Earth Cymru helped to achieve the moratorium back in 2015, but have since been calling for a ban alongside Frack Free Wales.
Local activists across Wales have been meeting with their Assembly Member’s over the past year to present the case for progressing the moratorium to a legal ban and gaining their public support in favour of this.