Ditch the fags

Published: 29 Nov 2021

Cigarettes are not just awful for your health and your wallet, they are the most littered item in the world.

Cigarettes on ground

They also contain harmful chemicals.

The negative health impacts of smoking are of course very well known by now. 

But how about the tobacco industry’s impact on the planet?

Fags contain plastic and harmful chemicals that leach out in watercourses causing pollution.

And, according to a 2018 report, annual tobacco production results in almost 84 million tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent emissions - more than twice the emissions of the whole of Wales. Tobacco farms take up more than 20,000 square miles of land, use up more than 22 billion tonnes of water, and cause deforestation in Asia and Africa. 

Cigarettes are also one of the most pervasive forms of litter in the world. Plastic filters can take up to 12 years to degrade and cigarette butts leak toxins that contaminate water and harm marine life and the environment. 


For more information and help giving up the ciggies have a look at ASH Wales

If you’ve been after another reason to kick the habit then maybe this could be it?


Zero waste - things we can do

Chemicals - things we can do


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