Start a walking bus

Published: 22 Nov 2021

One way to get kids active and cut down on car journeys and the associated air pollution is to start a walking school bus. 

Picture of a walking school bus


For those of us of a certain vintage, walking to school was just the norm, nowadays less than 50% of children do for a variety of reasons.  

One way to change this, get kids active and cut down on car journeys and the associated air pollution is to start a walking school bus.  

walking school bus is a group of children walking to school with adults. A walking school bus boosts exercise and reduces the carbon footprint.  

It can be as simple as two families taking it in turns to walk each other’s kids to school or something bigger with pick up point around the neighbourhood run by local volunteers.  

If you have a child or children at your local school, could you work with other parents and teachers to start a walking bus?   

Walking School Bus have lots of great ideas and tips. 


Things we can do



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