Buzz into action and Bee Friendly

Published: 10 Nov 2021

Why not get together with some friends and neighbours and work to help make your area Bee Friendly?

Baby in a bee costume

Pollinators come in many different forms from honey bees, bumble bees and solitary bees to mothshover flies and butterflies.

Sadly, a lot of them are suffering from a range of different factors including loss of habitat and food sources. Happily, there are plenty of things we can all do in our gardens (however small – or even no garden!) and in our communities to help all pollinators. 

If you would like to help make your area an official Bee Friendly one, why not get together with some friends and neighbours and work towards an official Bee Friendly accreditation?

For more great ideas on bee friendly gardening have a look at these various resources  and maybe you could find a fun way to celebrate World Bee Day

Remember that pollinators need food sources on an ongoing basis so do think about planting flowers and plants that give them food at different times of the year when they are active.  

How about taking part in the annual World Bee Count, helping the Bumble Bee Conservation Trust count bumbles or Butterfly Conservation’s Big Butterfly Count?  

The National Botanic Garden of Wales,  Wildlife Trusts and the RHS also have loads of great ideas and resources and excellent videos and a handy list of organic nurseries.  

Things you can do

Green spaces


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