Wales commits to a fossil-free future for sake of the planet
Published: 5 Dec 2018

Extraction and use of fossil fuels, including by fracking, will be placed at the bottom of a new 'energy hierarchy' that promotes renewable energy developments.
According to Edition 10 of Planning Policy Wales the continued extraction of all fossil fuels, including shale gas, coal bed methane and underground coal gasification, is not compatible with targets for decarbonisation and increased renewable energy generation.
And it clearly states that coal applications are effectively ruled out: ‘Proposals for open cast, deep mine development or colliery spoil disposal should not be permitted.’

Bleddyn Lake, Campaigns and Development Manager for Friends of the Earth Cymru said:
‘We are delighted that the new PPW places fracking and other oil and gas extraction technologies at the bottom of the energy hierarchy. It's where they belong. We don't need or want them anymore and it’s time we focussed far more on energy efficiency and renewable energy in our fight to avoid disastrous run-away climate change.’

Haf Elgar, Director of Friends of the Earth Cymru called it an ‘historic moment for Wales.
As David Attenborough told world leaders at the UN climate change talks this week, climate change is our greatest threat, and time is running out. This new policy is a positive sign that the Welsh Government is taking this threat seriously. Not only has Old King Coal has had his day - he is fast becoming a relic of history.
A fossil free future is the only future for Wales – and the rest of the planet. People in Wales are proud that their country is taking the lead, and hope that other countries follow our example. The whole world must embrace a positive future of renewable energy and sustainable development to build a cleaner, safer future for us all.”